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نام مقاله:

Soil mechanics in pavement engineering

سال چاپ: ۱۹۹۶

لینک دسترسی آنلاین به مقاله

لینک دسترسی به ژورنال

چکیده مقاله:

Application of soil mechanics principles to the design of pavement foundations, the design of complete pavements and to their structural evaluation’in-service’ has lagged some way behind knowledge accumulated through research. Present design methods are generally empirical and often based on use of the California Bearing Ratio test, which was abandoned in California some fifty years ago.

The soil mechanics problem is one of understanding how soils and granular materials respond to repeated loading and applying this knowledge to pavement design with the aid of appropriate theoretical analysis and an understanding of failure mechanisms. Non-linear stress-strain characteristics are a particular feature of the problem and have to be catered for in design and evaluation. Various ‘tools’ are available to assist the pavement engineer. These include theoretical analysis, laboratory testing apparatus, field testing and full-scale trials with appropriate instrumentation.